0G Summit
Space Diplomacy in the Age of NewSpace - Toward Space2030
Space Trust presents innovative solutions for a peaceful world and endeavours to bring together World Leaders, Space industry leaders, Nobel Peace Prize Laureates, Religious leaders, Academics and thought leaders from the public and private sectors at its annual State Level 0G Summit to potentially spearhead Space Diplomacy in the Age of NewSpace—the commercialization of Space, which is set to open Space to all sectors and which has been an impetus for international cooperation in Space—beyond political boundaries. Through the thought leadership of Namira Salim, 0G Summit seeks to utilize space for peacemaking and conflict resolution on Earth, in support of the 2030 United Nations Sustainable Development Agenda and the work of the United Nations Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (COPUOS)—a UN mandated forum lead by the UN Office for Outer Space Affairs in Vienna.

Space Generation Women Leaders
Given the inspirational story of Namira Salim, Founder of Space Trust, we seek strategic partnerships to foster gender empowerment and equal opportunity for Space Generation Women Leaders and ‘astronauts’ via education in S.T.E.A.M. (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Mathematics). Space Trust is a firm believer that the imposed separation of art and science in conventional education is a hindrance to both creativity and technological innovation. We aim to deconstruct this separation through the incorporation of visual and performing arts in traditional S.T.E.M. fields. Therefore, Space Trust seeks to buttress its partnerships with private and public sectors leaders to engage young women for providing a more holistic outreach to future women leaders in our new Space age.

Disaster Risk Reduction
Peaceful Uses of Space Science and Technology
Every year during the monsoon season, the melting ice cap in South Asia, commonly referred to as the third pole of the world poses a constant threat to the most vulnerable, giving rise to annual floods and/or natural disasters. UN-SPIDER, in its mandate to improve disaster risk through the use of space technologies enables developing countries to use all types of space-based information in the full cycle of disaster risk reduction which helps in the overall cycle of disaster management, disaster mitigation and disaster preparedness.
Through public and private partnerships, Space Trust supports of the work of UN-SPIDER, a programme under the auspices of the United Nations Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (COPUOS), a UN Mandated forum established in 1959, with the mission of international cooperation in peaceful uses of outer space and to study legal problems arising from its exploration.

Global Campaigns
Our novel educational campaigns encapsulate the vision and thought leadership of our Founder. We enthral our audiences via films, books, music, APPs and performing arts—all aimed at mobilizing and inspiring major players in the private and public sectors and the civil society.

Interactive Exhibitions
Our ingenious interactive exhibitions provide an immersive experience in the Space environment as the one marking the Space Trust inaugural event in November 2015 in the presence of HSH Prince Albert II of Monaco. We are currently developing engaging, customised virtual reality content for future exhibitions. Past solo exhibitions with visually compelling audio-visual content include those held at the UN General Assembly featuring revolving art objects with built-in messages in the actual voices of world leaders, UNESCO Executive Board, UNESCO OIC Day, SAARC Summit (largest South Asian Summit) and several events held in the presence and under the patronage of Royal Family of Monaco and Dubai since 2000.

Space Peace Prize
The Space Peace Prize is awarded biennially to a key Space actor implementing Space for Peaceful Uses of Science and Technology on Earth in the light of the United Nations Outer Space Treaty of 1967 and in support of the work of the Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (COPUOS), led by the UN Office of Outer Space Affairs — to achieve the 2030 United Nations Sustainable Development Agenda.
Qualification Criteria
- Spearheading International cooperation in Outer Space and in its peaceful uses, regardless of bilateral conflicts.
- Undertaking Space exploration and Space related activities in line with the UN Outer Space Treaty of 1967.
- Conducting Space research programmes for peace, security, sustainable economic and social development.
- Promoting and providing technical advisory services for peaceful uses of Space science and technology on Earth between all sectors, to meet the post 2015 UN Development Goals.