Take Action
Take Action to Make Space the New Frontier for Peace.
As the world ushers into a new Space Age where pioneers from the private Space industry break orbits with innovative technologies, private spaceships and low-cost, low Earth orbit satellites—the final frontier opens to all sectors via public-private partnerhip. So, why not open space to world leaders? Therefore, I believe the day is not far when nations and Statesmen will join forces to utilise space for peacemaking on Earth and even hold the First Peace Summit in Space, possibly at a private space station, to find innovative solutions for a peaceful world.
I am pleased to join Space Trust to harness the power of space for making Peace and Trust on Earth and endorse “0G Summit – Space Diplomacy in the Age of NewSpace” to spearhead Space Trust’s vision of utilizing space as a sustainable tool for peace making and conflict resolution on Earth toward 0G Summit 2030—the First Peace Summit in Orbit—in support of the 2030 United Nations Sustainable Development Agenda and more specifically, the work of the “Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space” (COPUOS), led by the UN Office of Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA).
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